Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :

The Buropac panel has been specially designed for use in offices and computer rooms. This panel is also recommended for rooms with non-magnetic requirements. It is suitable for all the coverings used with access flooring.
Composition The Buropac panel is made up as follows : · A high density resin bonded core, thickness 38 mm. · A bottom aluminium foil. · An ABS surround, heat bonded to the edge of the core.

Dimensions Standard size : 600 mm.

Options · Bottom plate of 0.2 mm thick aluminium. · Top varnished.

Fire classification The Buropac panel is classed M1 (SNPE report n° 13148-07).

Electrical resistance It varies from 5x105 to 2x1012 ohms, depending on the properties of the covering.

Acoustic The acoustic insulation measured between 2 adjacent rooms, separated by a densely insulated partition, varies from 44 to 50 dBA, depending on the covering (Dn,f,w according to Standard EN ISO 140-12).

Load classes Framework Class 1A (or 1B or 2C) 2A (or 3B or 4C) Certificate Nr. Nr.
NB : A system classed 1A is a system for which the ultimate load is at least 4 kN (load class 1). The working load of this system is at least 2 kN, with a safety factor of 2, for a deflection less than 2.5 mm (deflection class A). See tables below for the other classes. Survey Institute : SOCOTEC CONSULTING.


Self-supporting Stringers 30/15

Load classes according to NF EN 12825 and using safety factor = 2.0.
Class 1 Class 2 Class Class 4 Class Class

Load class Ultimate load Working load

1 >4kN >2kN

2 >6kN >3kN

3 >8kN

4 >9kN


6 >6kN

>10kN >12kN

>4kN >4.5kN >5kN

Deflection class A (the most stringent) B C (the least stringent)

Maximum deflection 2.5 mm 3.0 mm 4.0 mm



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