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technical sheet

rev. no.:

Aerial lift kits


Tractel® offers a harness and lanyard combination sewn together, supplied in a bag especially designed for aerial lift applications.
For further information, refer to Use and Maintenance Instructions  for harnesses, belts and lanyards and to the T-4603U and T-4604 technical sheets.
" Lightweight
" Harness has 3-point adjustment
" Sewn sub-pelvic strap
" Adjustable chest strap
" Quick connect legs
" Shock-absorbing lanyard integrated directly to harness
" Self-locking 3 D4 in. (19 mm) snap hook
" Inspection tag / serial number
" Blue color
" One size harness with 4-ft. (1.2 m) lanyard: EA04G
" One size harness with 6-ft. (1.8 m) lanyard: EA06G
" Scissor lifts
" Aerial platforms
Applicable standards
" ANSI 10.32-2004
" OSHA 1926
Standard harness storage bag
XB111163 Heavy-duty weather proof harness storage bag


Standard harness storage bag
" 11 x 16 in. (280 x 400 mm) bag
" Zipper closure
" Brass grommets

Dans la boutique

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