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technical sheet

rev. no.:

Fallprotec temporary horizontal wire rope lifeline system


Tractel s horizontal wire rope lifeline system is a low-stretch,
semipermanent, single-line system. Suspended between two approved anchorage points, the system provides worker fall protection during horizontal movement. Strong, lightweight and quick to install, the system also helps provide protection from a pendulum fall when used correctly.

Regulations state that horizontal lifelines shall be designed,
installed and used under the supervision of a qualified person, professional engineer, as part of a complete personal fall arrest system.

Tractel s wire rope horizontal lifeline system holds up better than synthetic over a long period of time, especially when faced with the construction environment and steel erection.

System components
" 3 D8 in. (9.5 mm) wire rope lifeline
" Jaw/eye turnbuckle tensioner
" Shock-absorbing device
" Autolocking carabiners (2)
" Forged thimble clamp

The horizontal system comprises very few parts to increase safety and ease installation. The lifeline tension and adjustment is performed by using a jaw/eye turnbuckle tensioner. The shock-absorbing device included in the system contributes to the reduction of the maximum impact load on the anchorage points, thus minimizing the potential damage to the system. The deployment of the shock-absorbing device is also a visual warning that the system has been subject to a load equivalent to the force of arresting a fall.
Tractel s wire rope lifeline system can be permanently

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