STULZ CyberRow Brochure 1210 en

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IT Cooling Solutions

Intelligent air flow control  for more efficiency in rack cooling

Direct rack air-conditioning goes in a new direction
An innovative idea ensures precise climate control and reliable ICT systems  CyberRow from STULZ
There are various ways of air conditioning a data centre  and any of these may lead to your goal. For delivering the best results for your requirements, we offer a range of different,
all-embracing airconditioning solutions for the diverse needs of the data centre.


With CyberRow, we have now developed an innovative airconditioning system in which the air is conveyed in a completely new direction  horizontally! The individual units are positioned in the server room itself between the racks, so that they can dissipate extreme heat from the servers. This technique considerably improves air conduction, as the cold air is transported in two directions via the side outlets, and evenly distributed throughout the data centre. The system's close proximity to the rack results in short distances for the air, with correspondingly little mixing of the cold and hot air. This contributes to the high efficiency of the CyberRow.

Cooling racks with STULZ CyberRow
CyberRow is an advanced precision A/C unit, which is tailormade for the targeted cooling of racks. In the CyberRow, innovative air conduction has been enhanced by state-of-the-art technology, which enhances the performance, flexibility and efficiency. Fluctuating server rack loads, space restrictions, lack of a raised floor, existing server technology & these are some of the tricky situations in everyday practice that the CyberRow has been specially developed to deal with.

CyberRow is a standalone A/C unit and is installed and operated independently from the rack. This complete separation of the rack and the A/C unit increases reliability and provides greater freedom for designing the layout in the data centre

Horizontal air conduction:
The cold air reaches the rack via the shortest route.
Electronic control:
Monitors and controls all components inside and outside the A/C unit that are needed to generate cold air.
3 EC fans:
Independently, infinitely adjustable EC fans ensure maximum efficiency
EC compressor:

Dans la boutique

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