collecting container - Fermod

Extrait du fichier (au format texte) :


for shelving systems Fermostock
6611 - 6811 - 6811/B - 6622
Capacity up to 20L
Dimensions 910 x 430 x 94 mm
Made of PVC
For shelf level 96 x 46
Resistant to corrosive products
For storage of cleaning / detergent products
Collecting container for defrosting or dripping


75, rue de Richelieu - 75002 PARIS - FRANCE
Tel. : +33 (0)1 42 96 94 06 - Fax : +33 (0)1 42 86 84 51 " e-mail:
Siege Social : Senlis (Oise) - Societe Anonyme au Capital de 1 004 400 ¬
RCS Compiegne B 301 468 211 - Siret 301 468 211 00018 - APE 2572 Z

Shelving systems FERMOSTOCK®
« In order to improve the quality of our products, FERMOD reserve the right to modify any products without notice. The characteristics and pictures of the products presented on this documentation are not of any legal value.»

Imprimerie Polyservices - Beauvais Edition du 02/02/2017




Dans la boutique

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COLLECTING CONTAINER COLLECTING CONTAINER for shelving systems Fermostock 6611 - 6811 - 6811/B - 6622 Capacity up to 20L Dimensions 910 x 430 x 94 mm Made of PVC For shelf level 96 x 46 Resistant to corrosive products For storage of cleaning / detergent products Collecting container for defrosting or dripping DISTRIBUTOR R 75, rue de Richelieu - 75002 PARIS - FRANCE Tel. : +33 (0)1 42 96 94 06 - Fax : +33 (0)1 42 86 84 51 " e-mail: Siege Social : Senlis...

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