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Job story 

A telescopic handler for work all year
Nowadays, more and more farms cannot do without telescopic handlers.

By Mariusz Chrobot

Bobcat Company, known all over the world for its skid-steer loaders, also offers a range of telescopic handlers with lift heights from 5 up to 17 metres, including several telehandler models which are ideal for agricultural applications. This should not be surprising, as the company s original sector of activity is agriculture. Krzysztof Nowicki had an opportunity to see and try a Bobcat machine for himself, as virtually all material-handling and loading work on his farm for the past one and a half years has been performed by a Bobcat T3571
telescopic handler.
To me, Bobcat is simply the telescopic handler. There is nothing more to say, because this says it all,  comments Krzysztof Nowicki about the T3571. Ever since
I bought

this machine, it has done all the material-handling and loading jobs on my farm. 
Krzysztof Nowicki has a 180 ha farm in
Giecz, in the Wielkopolskie province

in Poland,
where he grows cereals, potatoes,
carrots and onions. Potatoes and other vegetables are delivered for cleaning and sorting to a storage hangar built four years ago.
The Bobcat T3571 plays the main role in these material-handling operations.
25 tons,  he emphasizes, are handled every day by my Bobcat telehandler. 
The T3571 has been working for at least
1,300 hours and, according to its owner,

Dans la boutique

Specifications Grader
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1 Systeem Korte beschrijving Verplaatsbare scheidingswand op basis van dubbel glas. Glazen systeemwand gekenmerkt door minimalisme en maximale transparantie. Bij de Flush-Two zitten de glasbladen onderaan en bovenaan gevat in strakke U-vormige profielen van 40mm hoogte. De onderlinge glaspanelen van 12mm dikte worden verbonden door middel van een transparant en bijna onzichtbaar verbindingsprofieltje. Schuifdeuren zijn zeer makkelijk toepasbaar door middel van een ingewerkte rail. De Flush-Two w