Certificat CMV

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Page 1 / 2 Certificate number: 08412/D0 BV File number: AP 2947 Product code: 2898I
This certificate is not valid when presented without the full attached schedule composed of 7 sections


This certificate is issued to

for the type of product

Type CMV 24 series.

BUREAU VERITAS Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships.

This certificate is issued to attest that BUREAU VERITAS did undertake the relevant approval procedures for the product identified above which was found to comply with the relevant requirements mentioned above.

This certificate will expire on: 11 Sep 2014
For BUREAU VERITAS, At BV LYON, on 11 Sep 2009, Jean-Marc Cabuzel

This certificate remains valid until the date stated above, unless cancelled or revoked, provided the conditions indicated in the subsequent page(s) are complied with and the product remains satisfactory in service. This certificate will not be valid if the applicant makes any changes or modifications to the approved product, which have not been notified to, and agreed in writing with BUREAU VERITAS. Should the specified regulations or standards be amended during the validity of this certificate, the product(s) is/are to be re-approved prior to it/they being placed on board vessels to which the amended regulations or standards apply. This certificate is issued within the scope of the General Conditions of BUREAU VERITAS Marine Division available on the internet site www.veristar.com. Any Person not a party to the contract pursuant to which this document is delivered may not assert a claim against BUREAU VERITAS for any liability arising out of errors or omissions which may be contained in said document, or for errors of judgement, fault or negligence committed by personnel of the Society or of its Agents in establishment or issuance of this document, and in connection with any activities for which it may provide.

BV Mod. Ad.E 530 May 2009

This certificate consists of 2 page(s)

Page 2 / 2 Certificate number: 08412/D0 BV

1. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION : BATTERY CHARGERS CMV 24 series: Product Range: Type CMV 24.40 CMV 24.50 CMV 24.60 CMV 24.80 CMV 24.100 Charging Current IT (A) 40 50 60 80 100

Rated Voltages: 230 VAC ou 440 VAC single phase Uac supply Ucc = 24 VDC 2. DOCUMENTS AND DRAWINGS : In accordance with Approval File N° 33522 dated 02/02/1999 including: Data sheets of characteristics Drawings Using manual 3. TEST REPORTS : EMC test reports from AEMC and AEES and Environmental test report from Environne'Tech . EMC test report from AEMC N°: L06252 dated 30 May 2006. 4. APPLICATION / LIMITATION : 4.1 - BUREAU VERITAS Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships. 4.2 - BUREAU VERITAS Environmental Category, EC Code: 31. 4.3 - Approval also valid for ships to be granted with the notations: AUT-UMS, AUT-CCS, AUT-PORT and AUT-IMS. 5. PRODUCTION SURVEY REQUIREMENTS : 5.1 - The Battery Chargers are to be manufactured, examined and tested by A.E.E.S in accordance with the type described in this certificate and Bureau Veritas Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships. 5.2 - Arrangements shall be made for a Society's Surveyor to attend the relevant tests and examinations at manufacturer's works or to perform the relevant audits when an alternative survey scheme (BV Mode I) has been agreed. Relevant Bureau Veritas certificate will be issued after satisfactory completion of the procedure. 5.3 - Each equipment is to be supplied with manual (s) for installation, use and maintenance. 6. MARKING OF PRODUCT : - Trade name. - Date of manufacture and serial number. - Equipment type or model identification under which it was type-tested. - @ or conformity marking, as relevant. 7. OTHERS : 7.1 - This approval is given on the understanding that the Society reserves the right to require check tests to be carried out on the units at any time and that: AUTOMATISMES ENERGIE ELECTRONIQUE SYSTEMES (A.E.E.S), 259 Allée Jacques Monod, Parc Technologique 69792 SAINT PRIEST - FRANCE will accept full responsibility for informing shipbuilders, shipowners or their sub-contractors of the proper methods of use and general maintenance of the units and the conditions of this approval. 7.2 - This certificate supersedes the Type Approval Certificate n° 08412/C0 BV issued on 07/07/2006 by the Society.


BV Mod. Ad.E 530 May 2009

This certificate consists of 2 page(s)

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